Have you been searching for the best ways how to Increase Web Traffic and you just end up more and more confused? There are so many online marketing solutions out there making endless claims that they will increase your website traffic with higher search engine rankings and a flood of visitors. The truth about getting web site traffic is that you need a very diverse tactic to outpace your competition. Avoid tuning in to the “experts” who have got some brand new method that they are promoting each and every week. Many of the self proclaimed experts are only experts at promoting a new product launch every week and not so much on true ways to increase web traffic. Don’t focus too much on any one method. Learn a variety of useful methods to assist your search engine rankings as well as your immediate traffic.
Increase Web Site Traffic with Variety
If you are trying to achieve success in the internet marketing industry you will have to outpace your competitors and find every source of traffic that is out there. When you can squeeze more targeted traffic and increase the visitors to your web site with a variety of methods you can end up on the top. One of the better strategies is by using strategies that will improve your serps with SEO and also drive traffic directly to your website. Article marketing is an example where one can not just submit your articles for syndication but you will also gain valuable backlinks that can improve your search engine rank for your keywords.
Increase Traffic with Article Marketing
Using article marketing to increase web site traffic is one of the best ways to start out. Creating original content and then submitting to top 10 article publication sites will get immediate traffic from the articles and will help your long-term strategy to gain better rankings in the search engines. Make sure to submit to the top article publication sites that have a high page ranking domain as these will get the most traffic, they get indexed faster, and these articles will give you a more powerful back-link. By utilizing article marketing to increase your website traffic there is definitely strength in numbers, so use an article submitter to send out to hundreds of directories.
Increase website traffic with Social Bookmarking
Social bookmark submitting to increase web traffic is an absolute must these days. The only issue is most internet marketers don’t know how to apply it correctly. One of the best uses of social bookmarking is not spending all your time bookmarking your main site, but bookmarking your articles and backlinks. Use social bookmarking to build deep links which will increase the PR of your articles and backlinks adding more overall SEO power to increase web site traffic. Social bookmarking is important but don’t get caught up all day bookmarking sites as you will not be making the best usage of your time. Increase website traffic with social bookmarking by putting aside no more than 10% of your total time for this task.
RSS Marketing Website Traffic
RSS is the most powerful and most underutilized method to increase website traffic. When most people think of RSS they think of a directory full of submissions that can be read. The benefits of RSS are a lot more complex if you use it correctly. RSS may be used to create thousands of backlinks, can be used to create fresh content on your websites, and can be used to create affiliate product feeds mixed with content. The power of RSS is amazing but and if you neglect it you will be missing out on absolutely enormous potential to make money and increase web traffic using RSS strategies.
Increase Web Traffic with Blog Comments
The ability to leave comments on blogs has made it easier for the average internet marketer to get some quick backlinks. The only problem is that most people fall into the trap of spending way too much time searching for blogs and doing Google searches looking for blogs that allow comments with dofollow. Using blog comments to increase website traffic is a great strategy but not if it takes up more than 10% of your time. Go for either high traffic relevant blogs that can give you some immediate traffic or find high PR blog comment pages where you can leave an SEO optimized anchor text. This will give you an SEO boost but eventually it will lose its juice from other people posting. Use blog comments to increase website traffic directly and with offsite SEO backlinking.
You can make some great money online with organic search traffic from Google but you might find your greatest challenge is finding which methods to use and how much time to spend on each one. Form a concise plan that you will follow so that you don’t get sidetracked spending an entire day social bookmarking when you really needed to create more content for syndication. Finding a balanced strategy is the best way to increase search traffic and make money with your internet marketing business.