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9:31 PM, Posted by Franken, No Comment

SEO PR is a buzzword that is both over-hyped and under-hyped at the same time. What do I mean by this? SEO PR is currently in buzz overkill mode in the Search Engine Marketing industry, but is drastically underutilized in the traditional PR world. Many traditional PR agencies are misinformed about Search Engine Marketing in general and are completely taken aback by SEO PR specifically.

So what is it? Search Engine Optimization Public Relations (SEO PR) is a blend of search engine visibility and traditional public relations that disperses a company's message across the Internet by way of online media outlets and search engines. SEO PR not only helps disseminate an organization's messages, but it also incorporates search engine-friendly communication through techniques such as optimizing copy in online content such as press releases, articles, whitepapers, blogs, RSS feeds and websites.

A successful search engine public relations engagement harnesses the power of the search engines by focusing on relevant keywords within the content being created and distributed. Careful attention must be paid to the content to ensure a careful balance between search engine-friendliness and good copywriting. Ultimately readers need to be able to understand the message without being bombarded by keyword spam, or copy overloaded with keywords affecting readability and comprehension.

As with any marketing campaign, integration of other marketing initiatives is crucial. A good SEO PR campaign heavily complements any Public Relations, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns in place while strengthening a firm's brand. Some traditional PR firms are beginning to partner with SEO firms to add this service to their portfolio and vice-versa. This is good news for many firms as the incremental costs of adding SEO PR to existing marketing activities should be relatively low assuming that both SEO and PR services are already in place. Much of the additional work is simply connecting the SEO efforts with the PR efforts.

The logical first step is to integrate press release activity with search engine marketing. By optimizing and distributing press releases online (assuming the right online wire service is used), not only will the release have the opportunity to get picked up by thousands of sites, but it will often be picked up and archived by Google News, Yahoo! News and by a multitude of other sites that pull relevant news feeds.

This means that the press release's message gets instant online visibility and SEO efforts are also strengthened by having strategic keywords included in the release's copy, with the most important ones linked to your website with relevant anchor text. Besides the link-building benefit, the relevant anchor text makes this "off the page" SEO activity very powerful. Moreover, the sites that are likely to pick up your online release are usually relevant to the content being distributed.

However, there is a point of diminishing returns. You cannot keyword spam or add dozens of links to a release. The press release needs to be first and foremost a press release that makes sense to readers. Secondly, if you litter the release with too many links it's likely that the major search engines will actually punish you in terms of rankings. In addition, delivering press releases too frequently just for SEO purposes will not be likely to achieve your desired results either. Press releases should be newsworthy. Otherwise they won't get picked up, even online.

The next steps can be easy depending on whether content generation and distribution are part of your current marketing activities. By taking the same approach as described for online press releases (minus the online wires), content such as whitepapers, articles, "micro-sites" and/or advertising sites, etc. can be optimized, distributed online and used to both enhance brand and bolster SEO results. The same principles apply with online press releases. Keep the content focused on its purpose whether it's educational, technical, marketing-oriented or a combination thereof. Again, avoid keyword and link spam.

A word of caution when looking for ways to distribute your content online for SEO purposes: Avoid companies that offer services where you pay them to host your whitepapers or optimized content. These firms can deliver leads in many cases through various mechanisms which they usually control, but the content usually disappears as soon as you stop using their service. Such firms may be a fit for a demand generation program, but I don't advise using them if your goals include a solid, long-term SEO uplift as you could easily end up in a situation where a significant amount of your content disappears the moment you end the relationship.

Many sites, directories, online media firms and related industry sites are usually open to distributing content via their electronic outlets if it's of a certain quality, adds value to their readers and meets their editorial guidelines. Just like a traditional PR firm identifies a target media list, the same needs to be done for your online media efforts. Like traditional PR, SEO PR can be hard to measure in some ways, but tends to be easier to measure in other ways especially when it comes to search engine rankings, online press release pickup and traffic generated from the release.

SEO PR can be much more involved than the basic ideas discussed above, but most organizations can get immediate benefits just by combining their existing SEO and PR efforts. To learn more about SEO PR I suggest checking out resources such as Search Engine Watch Wikipedia ( or simply searching in your favorite search engine for terms such as "SEO PR," "Search Engine Public Relations," "Online Reputation Management," "Online PR" and related phrases.

Use SEO Strategies to Improve Web Traffic

9:27 PM, Posted by Franken, No Comment

Every new technology adopted widely by society brings about a number of new opportunities. The movable type printing press created affordable print information, the telephone and radio created the concept of instantaneous communication over great distances. Today, the Internet has unified both of these concepts into the information explosion that is the digital age.

Consider this article alone - a mere forty years ago printing even fifty copies of each page would cost either a chunk of change or at least a suspicious look from the boss as you hovered over the office copier. Now the information can be sent to thousands of people within the time it takes to brew a good cup of tea.

Of course with every technology comes a system to make the best marketing use of that advancement. The radio gave rise to the modern commercial advertisement, which was refined by the television and still persists on the Web. The telephone gave us telemarketers and the first concept of communication networking. For making the most of the Internet, the strategy of the day is Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

What is SEO, again?

In short, SEO is the presentation of a webpage in such a way that it consistently ranks highly in particular search engine results. While fads and sensations can quickly boom online from "word of mouth," they don't produce the same reliable success as a balanced, systematic approach.

Very few businesses, after all, want one rush of attention that leads to a website crash, followed by an equally quick slide into the various forgotten graveyards of the web. Therefore, SEO uses a combination of elements to make the site increasingly relevant to the various searches that Internet users perform, to bring it up again and again among the best results.

Key SEO Strategies

1. Set Goals

Identify what you want your SEO campaign to accomplish. While any SEO-conscious writing and page design can contribute to a site's search engine rankings, an unfocused effort will simply waste time and money. After all, a business promoting athletic clothing and footwear may not benefit too much from showing up in searches for evening wear. Is your goal simply to improve your site's visitor traffic? Do you want to generate more sales of a product? Is it part of an effort to promote your digital brand? Each of these goals benefits from different aspects of SEO technique.

2. Link Up

Link building is one of the cornerstones of any SEO effort. Many search engines are spider-based, meaning they use automated processes to collect and categorize information on various websites. When a large number of websites provide links back to your business, or when a particularly high-traffic site does so, the spiders take notice of it and raise the relevance of that link in searches related to those sites.

3. Get the Keys

Keyword writing is consistently stressed as a requirement when websites look for content writers. Keywords are just that, words and phrases chosen for their popularity and relevance to key searches.

There are dozens of theories about keyword writing. In the earlier days of SEO writing, it wasn't uncommon to see pages that were nothing but long strings of repeated variations on a few keywords. This has evolved into more organic writing that fits in keywords with the article as a whole.

Whichever strategy is chosen, care must be taken to avoid the temptation to abuse keyword searches. Yes, a proper keyword density will bring up your search rankings over time. However, Google can and does ban pages from its index when they determine it to be a keyword-abusing effort. So consider your keyword choices carefully, and seamlessly integrate them into your entire strategy.

4. Be on the Right Page

One aspect occasionally neglected in SEO is the architecture and design of the webpage itself. Search engines and their ranking systems (be they spider or human based) are growing more sophisticated all the time, and look at many different factors in their decisions. A site that buries its keyword-rich articles on interior pages behind dozens of subsidiary links will not perform as well as one with strategic keyword-oriented material right on the front page. Have an SEO-conscious designer look over your page, as well as your articles.

Remember that every business is a multi-faceted whole. Many failures occur when people attempt to compartmentalize too much. You can't consider SEO as some sort of 'event' that you do every so often, just as a business can't put off routine maintenance of their equipment and expect it to function properly. Integrate your efforts into the entire process, and give them the same focus as any other effort in the business, and they will return their investment much more reliably, quickly, and ideally.

SEO strategy

9:25 PM, Posted by Franken, No Comment

When you are following SEO, you will need a proper and complete SEO strategy. Search engine optimization is all about getting your site good ranks on search engines. When a specific keyword is typed in, you will get plenty of results on the search engines. This method has to be used when you need to get traffic to your site. There will be two types of listings when it comes to search engines. You may have paid links and you can also have organic links. There will be a difference with the way they are being posted, in terms of money.

There will be crawlers which look at the websites, and they will then look or score at each site depending on the relevance. There will be plenty of factors which will decide the placement of the links online. There will be link popularity, density as well as frequency of keywords. There will be plenty of strategies which you will need to use when it comes to getting the link listed well. You will also have to focus on plenty of criteria when you are building the link popularity. This will decide the placement among all the search engines, and you have to apply the right methods.

All those who are involved in SEO must have the strategies in order before beginning the process. There will be about three, which are considered to be the most important when it comes to strategies for the business. The content has to be keyword rich, and according to the search that the audience looks for on search engines. There will have to be research done to find the right keywords as well, as you will need to know which ones are most frequently looked for online. This will also allow consistency when it comes to traffic.

The information on the page and the layout of the site are very important. This will denote what importance is being given to any information in relation to the business. The content as well as the graphic images will involve a lot of detailing and also placement at the right spot. Through this, the audience will easily be able to recognize what has to be looked at. This will allow them to understand what content they should be looking at. Then there will be the link development, which will look at all the links which are pointing back to this site.

The SEO strategy is most important while you are building plans for search engine optimization. The text will be the core of SEO, which means finding the right keywords, will make a very big difference. Almost all experts agree on this point, that keyword are the main part of getting good ranks on search engines. This can be done with the help of some SEO tools which are available for free download. This will be the easy part of the process. However, there will be plenty of layouts which you need to plan before you begin the SEO process.

18 Effective Seo Techniques

2:27 AM, Posted by Franken, No Comment

Proper Search Engine Optimization, otherwise known as SEO, has quickly become a popular topic of conversation among website owners and entrepreneurs. The difference between having a successful website, and hosting a flop, is often the difference between whether or not you've incorporated proper keywords and phrases into your webpages.

Learning proper SEO techniques can seem like a daunting task, especially to those who are not familiar with the concept. The following list offers 18 simple SEO techniques you should keep in mind when developing and marketing your website.

1. Make sure your website is initially designed with your search engine optimization needs in mind. Search engines look for text, not flashy graphics and cool layouts. The trendiest web designs will mean nothing if no one is able to find your site.

2. Every page of your website should have a title tag with text describing either your site or what is on the page. Be sure the text includes SEO-type keywords instead of the name of your website. Unless you're incredibly popular, no one is going to be looking for you by searching for your name. They'll most likely search for a product or service and the keywords you use will lead them to your site.

3. Consider cBoldanonicalization, or whether or not your website address includes or excludes the www prefix. If you choose to use the www version of your website, make sure the non-www version directs users back to the one you use. Make sure you use your preferred version ( or every time you place a link to your site on the web. Don't use both!

4. When designing your website, be sure to avoid too many drop-down menus, confusing image maps, and excessive images. If you must use any of these methods, be sure to include plenty of text links for the search engine spiders to find and identify. Without links, the search engines will not pick up your site information.

5. It does not matter what type of website extension you use (ie. .html, .htm. .asp, .php). Search engines do not look at the web extension and it will not have any impact at all on search results or ranking.

6. Every page on your website should include a link to your home page and your sitemap. Make sure every link is the same. Home page links should go directly to your domain ( Make sure your internal links do not include the additional /index.html or .php text as it is not needed (ie.

7. Are you sharing a server with other websites? If so, you'll want to conduct a black-list check to make sure you are not sharing a proxy with someone who has been banned by search engines in the past. Being on the same server as a website with a poor reputation may damage yours.

8. You'll hear the same phrase over and over again: "Content is king". It is imperative that your website have fresh, unique, and quality content that is updated on a regular basis. Be sure to include your favorite keyword phrase within the body of the content!

9. People are more likely to input a phrase instead of a single word when conducting internet searches. If your business has a physical location, incorporate the name of your city into the text as well. For example, you might use "our Philadelphia location" instead of "our location". Including your city name will improve the chances of your site being seen in location searches.

10. If the information on your company website doesn't change regularly, or remains static, you might want to consider starting a blog. Search engine spiders are always looking for fresh content. Use your blog as an advertising tool and link back to your website within each and every post.

11. Write naturally. The worst thing you can do is try to cram a zillion keywords into your article or blog entry, making it messy and difficult to read. Search engines are able to determine whether or not your text is logical and they will ignore content with ridiculously high keyword density.

12. Building links to your website is essential to its success. As a matter of fact, links are like the queen to complement your king's fresh content. Choose a keyword phrase and network with other websites, asking them to place links on their pages. Don't hurt your ranking by having non-related websites place haphazard links. While it may seem great to gather 100s of backlinks, you're better off limiting your links to related websites. Ten relevant links stand a better chance than 100 irrelevant links.

13. Links within your website should be built with keyword phrases as well. Try to avoid using generic anchor text such as, "click here".

14. Don't place a list of links on your website. Always place a link within at least two to three lines of related content. The better your description, the more likely it is someone will click on the link.

15. Don't limit your keyword or phrase to text links. You should also incorporate your keywords into your image alt tag and domain name, whether it is part of the name itself or contained within the description.

16. Try to avoid using frames, Ajax, and Flash as much as possible. None of these functions are keyword or search engine friendly and will hurt your SEO results.

17. Before your website can be found by the search engine spiders, it must be indexed. Search engines such as Google have regular submission forms, but it can take days or weeks for your form to be processed. Having a highly ranked website place a link to your site is a sure-fire way to have your site indexed quickly.

18. No matter what you hear, don't be overly concerned with the Google PageRank of your website. A website that is properly developed and contains good content can outrank a website with higher PageRank.

Keyword Research Software

1:34 AM, Posted by Harry Moss, No Comment

Keywords are simply the words you use in your web page content. However, some words are more crucial than others. Keywords assume great importance because they allow your customers to find your web page easily. They bring the targeted traffic to your web pages. So investing in methods to choose the right ones as efficiently as possible can pay for itself very quickly and really improve your bottom line.

To get better results and choose the best keywords for the job, Keyword Research Software is beneficial in managing your keyword research. In the end, it will overall dramatically increase your chances for success with your website.

You could spend lot of time in setting up your website and adding interesting content to it. However, if the industry is too competitive or only a small group of people searching for your keyword, you cannot make substantial money online because you will have less traffic. The keyword research software looks for ad campaign keywords and phrases and checks whether they are used by your competitors.

The software helps you to know exactly what the good keywords are. Good keywords are nothing but the words the buyers use to search for. You can then use those keywords to boost up your sales.

The best software will give you data to help you run better PPC campaigns (Pay per Click). It will provide you cost and traffic data to help you determine which keywords will be easiest to rank for and will cost you the least amount of money per click.

This type of software can help you uncover thousands of keywords from a variety of search engines. It allows you to add words and modifiers to each keyword. For instance, you can add 'best' or 'top' to become more successful in increasing the number of targeted traffic. Some software programs generate keywords from Meta tags of relevant websites.

Researching profitable keywords is sometimes a difficult task that involves lot of time and effort. Tools to help you research can save a lot of your time and effort. It helps to whip your competition and provides solution to all your keyword problems.

Everyone knows that backdoor keywords is another great way to generate leads for online sales. If you do backdoor keyword research manually, you need to spend several hours to find out what your prospect would search for. The right software will help to get it done within a few seconds. For instance, if your online business is related to BBQ pits, you need to know what else your prospects would search for relevant to your niche. They may be interested in lawn furniture, home gardening and some other related stuff. Keyword Software helps you to get a list of such backdoor keywords within two simple clicks.

It can also lend a hand to provide you a list of keywords that are often misspelled. These keywords do not have much competition, so you can drive a lot of targeted traffic to your site and thereby increase your sales. The software helps you to get keyword permutations, which explode your major keyword phrases with all their permutations.
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SEO Consultant

1:27 AM, Posted by Harry Moss, No Comment

According to comScore, Internet users make approximately 1 billion searches a day on Google, Yahoo and Bing. Hence, it is no wonder that more and more companies are increasingly including Search Engine Marketing in their campaigns. But as competition heats up, the cost-per-clicks (CPCs) for Google's Adwords, the most popular online advertising platform in the world, quickly crept up and to a point where it became difficult to justify, especially for small businesses in competitive sectors. This is evident in Google's 2010 Q1 financial report, where it had stated that the average CPC had risen 7% from a year ago.

This situation is driving the more savvy business people towards Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

However, SEO consultants are a dime a dozen these days. A search on Google reveals hundreds of companies offering such services, and that is excluding web hosting and web design companies that offer SEO as a value-added service. Some of the SEO consultants charge on a per project basis, while others charge annual fees and some even offer money-back ranking guarantees. So how do you know who to hire?

Here are some tips for hiring an SEO Consultant for your business:

Firstly, make an effort to read up a little on SEO. Learn about keyword analysis, factors that affect a website's rankings, on-page optimization techniques, link-building methods, etc. There are many free, self-help SEO resources on the Internet like blogs and forums. At worst, attend one of the many SEO bootcamps available at your area.

Run a search on Google for the keyword "seo" -- the coveted keyword that all SEO consultants aim to rank tops for. Visit the websites of the top 10 SEO consultants. Check out their website design and page content -- a good SEO consultant is able to strike a nice balance between writing for human visitors and search engine spiders.

Next, study the shortlisted companies' background and look out for things like how long have they been providing SEO consultancy, the company staff size, list of past clients, results achieved for client websites, etc.

Pick up the phone and enquire about the SEO packages, specifically the consultancy fees, the extras to third parties for link submissions, payment terms, job details, work process and duration, cost of maintenance post-optimization and what is required from your end. Some SEO consultants, especially freelancers, only provide on-page recommendations and you need to engage your own web designer to implement them.

And if the company provide ranking guarantees, ask in detail for the specifics because some SEO Consultants have been know to provide guarantee to unsuspecting clients for "junk keywords", i.e. keywords that have little to no search volume.

Finally, ask yourself if you are comfortable working with that person and whether you feel assured that the consultant knows his/her stuff and has the resources to do it.

Free SEO Quote

11:53 PM, Posted by Harry Moss, No Comment

In the present Internet era where billions of website are being surfed every day it is not enough merely to own a website or creating a website with good look but it is also very important to make it reachable to the targeted visitors and provide them with all the essential elements to convert them into potential customers.

Here get some simple steps to make your site a Search Engine Optimization friendly site:

1. Make it Simple

Try to make your site as simple as you can. Make use of white spaces on your site so that it visually also pleases visitors. Use appropriate font color with contrasting backgrounds. Less is more. It will help to make important elements more eye catching.

2. Avoid JavaScript

Try to avoid excessive use of JavaScript or any other scripting language on your web page. Search Engine robots as per their algorithm do not read JavaScript codes and use of these codes increases the load time of websites which annoys the user. As a result of which you may lose your potential customer.

3. Avoid use of Frames and Flash

Try to avoid excessive use of frames and flash as they increase load time of the websites.

4. Organize site

Organize sites in a manner so that every page is easily navigated from all the pages of the site. Navigation to the pages should be simple and clear. The Anchor text should be relevant to the link contained underneath.

5. Avoid Excessive use of Images

Avoid use of unnecessary images on the website as they increase the load time of the website and make the website bulky. Do not overuse graphics on the web page.

6. Minimize Site loading time

Site should be quick to load so that it can easily and quickly reach your potential visitors. Minimize the loading time on your site as much as you can.

7. Check Availability of Server

The web server on which your website is hosted should be 24 X 7 up as search engine robots can visit your website anytime. And unavailability of your site on being visited can lose you your potential visitor and thus you may lose your business.

8. Keep Navigation at the left

Create a Navigation tap and place the navigation links on that section. Keep the navigation links to the vital pages of your website on the left of the web page as search engine robots generally start reading your website from the top left corner of the website and also it is very much convenient for the web users also.

9. Relevant content

Don't forget that visitors are coming to your website to take some information. And for providing the required information to the visitors, search engines crawls your website. The ultimate main purpose is to provide information to the visitors. So keep your website more informative and post content on the website that is relevant to the site.

10. Manage Site map

Manage a site map containing the links of all the pages of the website on a single page so that a visitor can easily get to the page he wants to with the help of site map.

11. Avoid Scrolling

Horizontal Scrolling!!!! Users use to hate horizontal scrolling on a web page. It must go now. Vertical Scrolling is OK if it is very much necessary to keep it. But try to make your content or the information on your web page very concise and snappy. Users should have good feel when they come to your site.

These are just general aspects that one should consider while designing a website or optimizing a website.

Search Engine Optimizing Companies that provides various web promotion services bring in concern many technical aspects of making a website SEO friendly as they are somewhat aware of what search engines are looking for in a website.
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SEO Techniques

11:50 PM, Posted by Harry Moss, No Comment

These SEO techniques go through a three-phase process. They are bookmarking, article writing, then targeting higher PR sites.

The first step you want to do is to set up a blog that you can post new content on. Then afterwards you social bookmark the URLs to the different articles you created. Next you'll want to take the RSS feed and submit that to different directories and aggregators.

Once you finish these steps, the main part of you website will have anywhere from 10 to 15 links. Depending on the competition you're dealing with, you should be on page 2 or 1 for the particular keyword you are targeting. When you promote a brand new website you need to think long term and just doing the things in the first phase is not enough to give you a significant ranking over the long haul. It won't sustain your ranking either.

Now you're going to want to move to what I call phase 2 of the link building activities that you will be undertaking. In this stage, you'll be obtaining low to moderate links going back to your website. This is where you'll be focusing on blog networks and article directory networks. There are tools you can use to speed up the automation process.

In this phase you're giving yourself the potential of acquiring a few hundred links that will go back to your website.

Some of the automated services allow you to put links in the article itself. For those that do I'll always put a primary link going back to my main website, but some I'll link to a network of sites that I created using my Web 2.0 properties.

In the long run you want at least 50% of the links to go back to your main website. You'll want to keep up a good routine of writing articles to submit to either the blog or article networks.

There are good tools that will monitor your ranking relative to your keywords. At this point you should have a few hundred links going back to your website which will be anywhere between 0 to 2 PR rankings. I've never gotten anything higher than that.

Now you're ready to go on to phase 3. In this step you want to hand pick authority sites where you can work in a link back to your website. Some of these SEO techniques used in phase 3 you might have to pay for, but the link back to your website will be well worth the money spent.
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Web Promotion

11:47 PM, Posted by Harry Moss, No Comment

You have placed some ads, submitted to the search engines and joined a forum, is there anything more you can do? Some of you may have gone further than this which is an excellent start, but remember website promotion never stops. One thing that does happen to a lot of Internet Businesses is they promote the same way over and over and honestly it can get boring.

What I would recommend is continue the above but add some variety and additional ways to promote and it will stay exciting and with that so will the material you provide to your viewers. Here are some ideas that you can use in addition to the ads, Search Engines and forums, use them all or some but stay consistent with it and in a short time you will see an increase in traffic as well as conversions.

Address your website. Make sure the content updated and working:

      • This should be done once a week, make sure that you links are working on all pages.
      • Make sure you change the content on the Home page and change any special offers you have at least once a month.
      • The viewer should feel like it can trust where they are: testimonials, policies and guarantees should be made visible and easy to find.
      • What's new page that offers any specials, new products, company news or company future plans are a great way to keep interest and invite feedback.
      • Offer surveys, quizzes or trivia. Viewers love to participate or read short interesting bits and feel like they have contributed.
      • Make sure you are readily available to answer any questions and provide a time of when they can expect their answer.

Ads and search engines and forums are great, but you can expand this in so many ways.

       • Join forum groups where the members could have interest in your site. Remember not to go in with your promotional guns firing. Offer advice and opinion and naturally mention your site as a reference, not as a promotion.
       • Offer free materials like samples, ezines or e-docs to the viewers; these can be mentioned in your ads and your site. Remember to change these monthly.
      • Offer free product in return for a group that tests your site or provides referrals. Paying testers that check your site also provide you with great feed back and promotion. Remember to keep testers limited to a few months and change them up so you get fresh feedback and insight.
      • Promote your site URL as part of your signature in emails or through any documents that are printed.
      • Offline ads can include business cards or posters with your site information. These are great to leave posted on any bulletin boards or gathering places.

The above will keep things interesting for you and in turn that interest will reflect out to the viewers. Along the way you will come across other ideas that may help in your promotion. The bottom line is the change and the looks will bring you far more visitors.
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Web Marketing

11:40 PM, Posted by Harry Moss, No Comment

Our lives have become very complicated. They are so much inter-connected now. The latest media channel - the internet - is playing an important role in this regard. It has taken the central role in bringing many new services to us. This also includes the service of web marketing. Many of the web businesses rely heavily on a SEO company to promote their products.

There are many ways to use SEO Services. They are highly useful in bringing the website in the search rankings of the search engines, like Google or Yahoo search rankings. Good rankings mean that there is a good chance of getting better traffic for the website. This, in turn, results in better sales and revenue generation.

Many companies offer these services. Some of them are highly competitive and they offer great advantages. It is a good idea to utilize the best SEO for a company in order to get good visible results. The best companies for this purpose can be searched on the internet. They can help in increasing the internet traffic and the ranking of a website.

There is a huge demand for the search engine optimization services. They have become the backbone of the entire online business. But, not all the companies can provide these services with satisfaction. Some of them are busy in minting money from the simple and unsuspecting customers who contact them online. Many of these companies don't have trained staff or experts who can help in delivering results.

On the other hand, a trained SEO expert will help in bringing the website among the top results of the search engines. He can utilize many aspects of the SEO to deliver this kind of results. Normally, he utilizes the white hat techniques and avoids the black hat techniques as it is a method unapproved by the search engines.
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Web Hosting

11:38 PM, Posted by Harry Moss, No Comment

Blogger hosting is completely free and allows anyone to set up a blog without spending money. However, there are pros and cons to this method. Blogger hosting is an easy way to get started with blogging, but there are limited expansion possibilities. The fact of the matter is that a blogger host gives you the chance to explore different niches and keywords before you invest in purchasing a domain name and hosting. Google Blogger works the same way as well for personal diaries. You will be able to keep your journal up for as many years as you want because of the fact that you do not have to worry about paying for hosting.

The biggest attraction to using the blogger host are that it is completely free and that you can have multiple blogs with its easy to use platform. It depends on which template you want to use, but you will be able to easily add pictures to your header along with changing up colors without coding experience. The only problem is that there are a limited quantity of templates. You will be able to use a template from a third party site as long as you display the nav bar in accordance with Google's terms of service.

However, there are several disadvantages to having a blogger blog. You will still own the content on your blog but you will work on a subdomain like your If you ever got your blog to be really popular and you wanted to start then you could transfer your posts, but you would not be able to transfer your rankings or traffic. Some of your readers might follow you over, but some will not. If you are going with a blog for personal purposes then a Blogger blog might be great for you. People that are thinking about blog monetization should probably just bite the bullet and go ahead with a domain name purchase to increase the probability of making money.

Blogger has rules like most free web hosts and they can suspend your account without notice. The software also has many limitations. You can make a private blog, but you will only be able to mark certain posts as private. A blog that is entirely private means that only people that you invite will be able to access your blog. The biggest problem associated with the Blogger platform is the report abuse button. The task bar is required to be displayed at the top of all of the Blogger posts that it hosts. You can use Blogger software on your own host if you wish.

Web hosting for free has a price just as it does with anything else. Blogger blogs can do just as well as other types of blogs on search engines really. There are tons of spam blogs on blogger so it may seem unprofessional in some cases.
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Web Developement

11:30 PM, Posted by Harry Moss, No Comment

Whether you're starting a business, have an existing business, or simply are looking to have a piece of the web at your disposal, it's important to find better web design solutions. There is a vast sea of opportunities to take advantage of in regards to getting a website built, but not every programmer and professional offers the best overall quality, and it's important to get the best up front, or else you'll grow tired of updating your website.

Before you ask anyone to build you a website, take a few moments to familiarize yourself with some clear terms. You want to make sure that you are getting a good price, and proper coding. Even if you're not too web savvy, asking the right questions will help you get the most out of your investment.

First and foremost, pick your domain name. Make sure the domain is easy to remember and utilizes a dot com or dot net name. After you've selected a name consider what your site will be about. If you're a business, decide if you want to sell things online, or if you just want an informational site for new and returning customers to gain information. After you've decided on these two key things, proceed with caution.

In terms of better web design solutions, the best bet is to make sure that your designer has a current portfolio that you can look over. Any designer worth their asking price will have a good portfolio to showcase their work.
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Web Designing

11:27 PM, Posted by Harry Moss, No Comment

Today, many people that purchase webspace are learning that they can take care of most web design tasks on their own. For example, there are hundreds of templates that you can use, as well as editors that will help you create custom designs. If you are interested in learning more about web design, there are three things that you should have on hand

The Linux Operating System
Chances are, you realize that some of the most popular programs that run under Microsoft Windows are fairly expensive. When it comes to obtaining a decent Flash designer, web editing package, or other software, you will find that the prices are even higher. By contrast, when you purchase the Linux operating system, it usually comes with free Flash, web design, and computer programming compilers. Since a number of Linux variants are available for free, you can install them and start your web design business for a minimal cost. Interestingly enough, if you have Windows programs that you want to go on using, you can simply install them under a Windows emulator, and still enjoy all the benefits associated with Linux.

Tutorials on Web Design Aesthetics
If you are planning to design web pages, it will be of some help to be able to create custom templates from scratch. This will help you provide good quality sites for your customers, as well as help you define yourself as an artist. Even though you may have some ideas about how to build an attractive website, design courses will give you enough information to make the site even better. At the very least, once you know how to think about a website from a purely design point of view, you will have a better chance of optimising each site as well as make it as attractive as possible.

Each day, millions of people face the prospect that they will not be able to get a conventional job. Rather than go on worrying about where your next meal will come from, it may be better to consider pursuing a career in web design. Without a question, combining free programs that run under Linux with a few basic courses on web design will go a long way to helping you achieve your goal.

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Social Bookmarking

12:09 AM, Posted by Harry Moss, No Comment

Social bookmarking is a simple and fast tool used by SEOs to promote a website and market it in relevant circles. The site is linked to various social networking websites, blogs and forums in order to generate quality and quantity one way inbound permanent links and get high ranking with major search engines. Google and other major search engines have become aware of its popularity for search engine optimisation and gone content centric to weed out spam.

Social Bookmarking actually means:

Social bookmarking is a system of saving links to web pages that you want to share. Descriptions can be added to these bookmarks in the form of metadata or tags. Social tagging allows you to add keywords as metadata to the shared content. This content can be viewed by people through bookmarks arranged by category, tags or via search engines. Delicious coined the term Social Bookmarking. Besides, Digg and reddit are some other social bookmarking sites for organizing social news.

Manual vs Automatic:

In order to increase traffic dramatically, you need large number of premium backlinks from high authority websites. Although automatic bookmarking tools get websites indexed faster, you run the risk of losing out on the quality as the submissions might not be to the correct categories, hence no traffic and no business. They also tend to create unlimited number of accounts on social networks and submit unlimited number of bookmarks automatically, without considering individual submission guidelines of each website. So the chances of being rejected or marked as spam are high. Manual submission although difficult and time consuming ensures that submissions are made only to sites with suitable page rank and correct pedigree. For social bookmarking to be effective, the same domain is submitted to several networks and also many domains to same network slowly. You run a risk of being flagged as spammer if you submit too many domains at the same time through automatic submission.

Process of Social Bookmarking:

The SEO expert compiles a list of all Social Bookmarking websites relevant to your field of business and high PR. Then he registers social accounts on all the bookmarking sites. A detailed registration and submission form takes information related to your company, service, keywords, tags, homepage and deeplink URLs with unique titles and descriptions. The online SEO marketing company takes your approval on the websites selected and then makes manual submissions to all bookmarking websites after reviewing the stringent guidelines of individual sites. Once the submission process is complete, a detailed report is sent to you. You can check all the websites to which submissions have been made along with their PR and categories.
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Search Engine Optimization

11:56 PM, Posted by Harry Moss, No Comment

What is SEO? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. What does that mean you ask... Search Engines are websites like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and much much more. Optimization is trying to improve something in this case we are trying to get good ranks on Google, Yahoo, Bing, and all those other programs. So how do you do this? There are programs that say they can get your site on Google in 1 day. Sorry but only 1 out of 10 of those programs are not scams. Also the ones that are not scams only last about a few weeks then you get banned from Google,Yahoo,and Bing. Once that happens it will be completely impossible to get even on Google. So, don't dare to do that! There are ways, that you can improve your SEO for free. SEO is divided into two parts On Page SEO and Off Page SEO. On Page SEO is stuff like meta tags. Off Page SEO is like getting backlinks.

I will tell you all about backlinks below! This is the toughest of them all. A backlink is another website linking to your website Ex. Google I just linked to In that example you would want to be Google because I would have just linked to you, which would improve your Search Engine Rankings on Google. So now you want to know how to get these links. I will give you a few ways to get these types of links.

    • Ask for them
    • Ask for link exchanges
    • Join link exchange sites
    • Provide a link page on your site allowing people to link to your site

Now I will talk about On Page SEO. On Page SEO is all about fixing your website to where it is easy for the search engines to crawl and will rank higher! One way to do this is meta tags. Meta tags are the title, description, and keywords many web host have an easy way to create meta tags for your blog or website. But if you don't know what to do contact your website or blog host. Some info is what ever you put as the description of your site will be exactly the same as Google's description.
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PPC Advertising

11:49 PM, Posted by Harry Moss, No Comment

We going to be flat out honest and tell you that the internet is the biggest and newest way of marketing for businesses. There are so many ways to gain massive exposure online for your business. Many businesses have turned to pay per click advertising for their business but unfortunately have no clue what they are doing. Because of this reason, many businesses are throwing money down the drain.

First, lets talk about the most popular places to advertise using pay per click advertising. Google is by far the most popular place to advertise and target your specific market using advertisement. Other notable places to advertise that I believe people are under utilizing is MSN and Yahoo search engines. You can often get targeted prospects at a much cheaper price using these search engines instead of Google.

Web 2.0 communities have become very popular and are a new hot spot for pay per click advertising. The most popular site is Facebook. If targeted and used correctly. You can convert using pay per click advertising on Facebook. Twitter currently does not have a paid advertising method as of yet.

A very important aspect to consider when using pay per click marketing is identifying your target market. Know who your target market is and what keywords they search in order to find you. Keywords are a very important part of marketing on search engines.

You want to have relevant content and match up with the keywords your prospect is searching for. When your keywords match the keywords your prospect is searching for, the search engine automatically highlights your word.

Send your prospects to a capture page or a sales page. I have seen too many ads online that send their prospects to a home page or an informational page with no action step required. Tell your prospects to take action and do something. Whether is is to buy something of input their information into a box to receive something of value.

Your paid advertisement content should be catchy and draw attention to your prospect. It should also be relevant to your actual page as well. Get creative but do not steal someone else's content. That is just tacky and not very creative.

Take time to research keywords and the price of each word. You will want to be on the first page of Google in order to optimize your clicks and success rate. Make a budget and stick to your budget. Marketing is really scientific process. You must know how much your spending and how much your acquisition price is for each new customer.

Pay per click is a very good way to advertise your business if you know how to use it correctly. If not, you could be wasting a lot of money!
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Link Building

11:35 PM, Posted by Harry Moss, No Comment

When it comes to the confusing task of Search Engine Optimization, building links is one of the significant techniques. For building links, you must be familiar with many concepts including link popularity, search engine visibility, PageRank etc. you must also have a basic knowledge about the other basic linking tactics and tools.

If you are beginner to the concept of SEO link building, you must start by searching for the various search tools and techniques so that you can understand the backlinks used by your competitors. Explore the host sites that are allowing links pointing back to the competitor sites.

Premium link building is the quickest way to increase the visibility of your website. Launching the premium links in your website is the core idea of this technique. The link building strategy must be properly designed by incorporating basic techniques and including essentials like link popularity, off-site submissions and internal link structure.

Increasing the link popularity is not a simple thing. The ranking algorithms of the popular search engines must be understood so that you can make maximum pout of your efforts. Whatever be the criteria of each search engine, the ranking results are based on the quality of links and the link building strategies. The search engine algorithms are set to believe that a website with more number of sites placing its link is a good site.

The internal link structure is another thing that must be taken care of. Your website will not perform well with just the external links. You must have an internal structure that is tightly knit too. The internal links must be in oblivious places so that they are visible. The hyperlinks must be colored, bolded or in italics.

Google internet search engine makes use of a link analysis algorithm known, as PageRank to determine the relevance or importance of a page. This system is designed in such a way that it will count link votes for determining the relevance of a particular page.

Any good marketing strategy must have ample importance for building as well as maintaining links. Even though understanding the SEO fundamentals is a little tough, the rewards you get will be overwhelming.
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Content Writing

11:33 PM, Posted by Harry Moss, No Comment

What Is Content Writing?

Content writing is a serviced offered mainly to website owners and businesses, and many countries in the world have seen the benefits of this service, using it positively for their company. Content writing itself can come in many forms and companies that offer it can write about one specific category or a broad range, usually the ones that target a certain niche such as sport will be more focused and knowledgeable on that area than those that try to write about every possible category, so you will be getting your money's worth.

Why Is Content Writing So Popular?

Its main use is to save webmasters a lot of time by writing out content for the websites, so instead they will produce a brief and outsource the job to a professional content writer who will research the given subject and complete the assignment for you. Content writing itself is quite cheap but with so many people offering this a service you do need to make sure the company or person is legitimate and that there prices are reasonable. As a guide, £7 - £10 for 250 words of content for web copy, articles and blog posts/news pieces is an excellent price and if you are going to a company that specialise is one certain area of expertise then you may pay a little more, but then you will know the quality and experience on that subject will be higher than elsewhere.

What Types Of Content Writing Is There?

Content writing isn't just for website copy though, a lot of business and individuals will ask for articles, blog posts, press releases and many more forms of the service.

For example if you wanted daily news pieces on topical subjects consisting of 150 words a day, these will be classed as blog posts and at many content companies they will gladly do this every day of the working week for you and in some instances offer an attractive price if you are passing work their way for a long period of time. Press releases and articles are quite similar, the first holding more editorial quality than the latter but still, you can expect 350 - 600 words for a good article.

A newcomer's perspective on copy caught in the SEO web

If you're new to the industry or idea of SEO, the minefield of terms and techniques can be treacherous to navigate. Content writing in particular can seem like a futile endeavour to those who don't quite understand how it works, so here are a few of my first impressions as a relative newcomer myself.

When I was interviewed for my first content writing job, I was informed of a matter that I soon found to be true; 'Writing creatively, and writing for SEO are completely different things.' As newbies, content writers quickly find themselves walking a tightrope in their work - and if they fall, so do their clients search rankings. Good quality content has to please both eager web searchers looking for the best product, and watchful search engines. My first impression is that it's an art in itself.

Like the vast majority of web users, the first time I came into contact with successful SEO I didn't even realise it. It was only when I began searching for jobs in the industry that I really became aware of writing for SEO - because good content looks like normal, natural copy. Effective SEO (when optimising a well designed website) facilitates every step of the consumer experience without many even knowing what it is - it raises a website's profile rather than being highly visible in itself. This can be a difficult thing to achieve for new writers used to giving space to their own abounding creativity.

But this doesn't mean that subtle content shouldn't have something to say. Excellent content must be engaging rather than simply keyword rich waffle. Nobody trawls through endless product reviews for fun - readers need concise, detailed articles that are stimulating. One useful technique that I've found when writing content is to review it and imagine that it's not written for SEO. What does it have to offer readers? Is it useful to them? Does it gain anything? These questions can help new writers keep their work fresh while still optimising as desired.
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